I felt that the bulletin was broken up well with the use of NIBs and a coming up section with a brilliant graphic that made the bulletin look so professional. We had very few technical issues and those we did have were logged quickly, and once again there was a sense of calm in the gallery and one voice leading the rest. We were on time again this week but still relied on post production which I personally think is poor. Sport was not ready in time which is not good enough. It needs to be ready to go at 3pm because that is the time we go live. There is no excuse for sport packages created on the weekend not to be ready on the Wednesday.
It was Graham's advice to get rid of SOT all together from the headlines as once again they clashed with the presenters voice and look unprofessional. He said to only keep them if what is being said is gold, otherwise just put the best and most interesting pictures in the headlines and forget about SOT all together.
I felt the in studio chat was very good as it was last week and as well as breaking up the bulletin, it was well spoken, clear and informative. I felt the presenting was also very good.
For the beer story, the beer shouldn't have been sipped but should have been there to show the relevance of the story Having the beer there is good but drinking it could lead to some issues with glorifying drinking. Overall this was a good story however and one to certainly get viewers. There was a dull background to an interview in Louis' story and a repetitive script that needed to be mixed up and changed because it felt like the same thing was being said over and over again.
The Ford story was hard to cover due to the lack of an interview and a lack of shots however I feel that it was covered very well and has a good local angle and therefore needed to be covered. It was good that it was covered this week after it was completely missed last week. The US storm was a very good story as it had a brilliant local angle. It is good to take national news and make it local and this showed how the storm million miles away has affected people in Winchester.
The NIBS were very good and I think they should be used more because some of the stories that we are leaving out and then not putting on the website could be shortened and used as NIBS so that they are still covered and so that it doesn't look like we have just missed it all together. We also need to make sure we are not scared to change the running order once a better story comes in. However I feel that running order has been very good so far this term.
Graham Bell also suggested having a more personal feel to the stories by having the strapline of the reporter as the story starts or their twitter as the audience feel more in touch with the story or the specific way that the reporter goes about telling a story. I feel that this would be something to look into.
As I said before sport was late which wasn't good. However sportsweek was slightly better. I presented it but I was very disappointed with my own performance. I didn't prepare fully and didn't look smart enough originally as my shirt was too small I didn't do my top button up. I was then told to do it up but felt that I was being chocked and I spent more time concentrating on this than the actual script. Also If I had looked at the script beforehand I wouldn't have made so many mistakes. We also made the mistake of not recording headlines which was poor, and Sportsweek itself was put up onto the site very late. Overall I would say that sport needs to improve, mainly by making sure that it is on time.
Overall I felt that It was our best WINOL so far in terms of professionalism of getting the bulletin out on time and also in terms of the quality or our packages which have improved technically and editorially week on week.
The website took a massive step forward this week as we now finally have features on the site! They have all been a success and following the style that we have arrange I feel that they look very good! They make the site look brighter and more accessible and have also been a success in terms of views. We have a mix of features from travel, to a feature interview, games review and fashion. We now need to start making sure that fashion features and the fashion side of the website is completed as soon as possible. By updating the features every week we are making sure that the site is looking fresh and new. I think that everyone is now working very hard and then competition looks fantastic and when it is updated with the winners it will look amazing! Getting pictures of the winners would also make another great feature.
I personally created the Great Transport Race which I felt was a great success and a real enjoyable video to create. It is meant to be fun and enjoyable to watch and I think that is why it has been a success in terms of views. The feature itself was hard to create as a result of the many different cameras used and the difficulty of editing the footage together, however I think that it looks good and there may be a sequel on the cards.
This week we have been thinking about ways to increase our circulation and the competition is something that will certainly do that; the people who enter have to log back onto the site on 7th November where the winners will be announced. By doing this there is more of a chance that people will check out the site to have a look at our features and news stories that catch their eye as well and therefore then watch the bulletin and continue to log back onto the site.
Another way of increasing circulation was to put the HPPC Debate live link to the site as it was set to bring lots of visitors to the site; as well as this by putting the website up during the debate to hundreds of people we have advertised our site to hundreds of people.
As it happens this is what we did and it was a great success as the live link gained hundreds of viewers and has hopefully increased our circulation. The HPPC debate was a success in front of a sell out crow the debate did not have a single mistake the could be picked out and criticised. The debate went down well and gained hundreds of viewers over the few days it has been on the web. This should increase traffic to the site but also shows off our fantastic work and I feel that everyone involved should be proud of the effort and hard work that they put in to make the debate a raging success! Louis O'Brien did a fantastic job of organising the event and should be very proud as should the university as their course was shown off in a fantastic light.
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