Monday, 5 November 2012

WINOL week 4

This week's WINOL was editorially very good but once again there were technical issues and the bulletin did not go on time once again. There was also a technical issue with sport that wasn't checked. Issues like these need to go through the editors and then through the gallery so they should not be being made and something needs to happen to make sure we are spending more time checking for mistakes so that they are not aired.

The headlines were not correct as the presenter clashed with the upsot and therefore they needed to be done again. We need to make sure that headlines are perfect as they are the beginning of our program and if they have slight issues then we need to make sure they are re-recorded.

The gallery was improved once again and there was very little talk or confusion and very little panic when things went wrong which was good. The in -studio chat was very good as they can be very hard to do but next time to make it flow better it would be good to have some notes so that it it not like the two presenters are reading a script and instead they are just having a chat. The notes can then be referred to during the discussion.

For the stories however I think the running order was correct, but in one of the packages the link and the top line of the package was the same. This cannot keep happening as it looks unprofessional  The reporters need to be writing their own links. And for this same story the presenter was in shot for an earlier piece in the newsroom; we did not know who the presenter would be at this time so it was hard to avoid, but when someone is doing a piece to camera if we all stay silent then it is hard to notice who is in the background.

For the stories themselves there was a black hole and the start of one package; the audience never want to see black and this should have been checked. There also wasn't a victim from the uni for the scabies story, we didn't have a picture an interview, on skype or in person or a statement from any of them and I feel that this was needed. This package also finished with a PTC even though we hadn't seen the reporter at any point during the story, it needed to finish with a relevant clip to scabies with the reporter signing off with a voice over.

One package also ended with 'remains to be seen', along with 'to the delight of the fans' and 'I went to speak to/ I'm here with.' These phrases are banned and should not be used.

The american election story was good and had good interview and the court story was very good. I think that this was my favourite story in the bulletin. I think that the scripting was good, as was the pictures that were obtained from the police and the piece to camera. This was a story that previously did not have any pictures so obtain some relevant to the story and make it so interesting was very good and really brought a text story to life in a visual format. Going to the scene of the incident was also very good. It was a well structured story.

We do however need more pictures in our story rather than relying on pointless gvs to fill time. Also if there is a mistake or a stumble in a ptc then re-recorded it because tape it cheap.

We need to work on our timings in the gallery because we making mistakes with when packages are starting and finishing and this meant that we came out of sport early. I think we have been struggling with sport so far this year in terms of how it is displayed in a different studio and put in after the bulletin as it hasn't been ready. I feel that it may be more beneficial to record it live like we used to with a second presenter.

In sport the railings were shot in h Ice Hockey package but this was a result of not being allowed into the ground and then a rush to set up. In future we need to get to the arena earlier and make sure we have set up on time and get better framed shots. There were a few jump cuts in the sport packages which I have seen a couple of times; these need to stop and the edits need improving so that you don't see the shake of the camera.

The and finally had a poor voice over which needed recording again and the best shots needed to be at the start of the package. Also our bulletin was too formulaic and needed to be broken up with NIBS or a 'coming up' section so that it isn't just package after package. An in studio chat would also work well.

Chris Coneybeer added that the gallery was very calm and the bulletin was confidently presented. but he also added the the headline straps needs to be spoken and written with the spoken words used in the text otherwise the two could conflict and cause confusion among the viewers.

The packages that didn't make it into the bulletin were also good and it also very good that we are managing to create so many stories of quality that we are able to leave so many on the spike ready to be used if they are needed. The live link from London was very good. However we are not watching our wirse as we missed out on the Ford story which is very poor as it is a big local story.

The site itself is still looking out of date and we need to get going with putting features on the site, logging any issues we have with the tech people and updating over the weekend which wasn't done this weekend. Written stories that are constantly updated is key and makes us look live and up to date.

Overall I felt it was a good bulletin but we need to make sure that we stop relying on post production and get packages sorted and ready on time and also make sure that we record on time because once again the bulletin was late because we did not put a tape in. This a poor mistake but something that can be easily fixed and I don't feel that it will happen again.

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